jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012


Keep Counting Ants…
…or how was staged the show “Hildegard’s Visions” with two blind actresses.
A documentary film by Mónika Rühle.
Hildegard von Bingen, German abbess from the 12th Century was a theologian, music composer, physician, writer, diplomatic and visionary.  
Contando Hormigas (Counting Ants) is a theatre group from Madrid with blind actresses, directed by Ignacio Calvache.
From its creation in 2004, the group has staged 5 shows. 
With the team of the theatre group Counting Ants. 
Mariu del Amo, actress.
Mamen Martín, actress.
Werner Glaser, musician and actor.
Ignacio Calvache, director and playwright.
Antonio Duque, set designer.
Tomi Osuna, lighting and photography.
Monika Rühle, costume design and video proyeccions.

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